17 Benefits of Unknown Apple Green and Lemongrass

Benefits of Green Apple and Lemongrass-This apple fruit is not only a beautiful shape but also tasty and fresh but it is different if you see the benefits of sweet boiled corn, how to consume is very easy and practical. That's why this one fruit is very popular by many people and you can just consume it without having to peel the skin. Many people also make processed foods from apples such as chips, sweets, jams, syrups, pies, bread, biscuits, and some dishes need fruit this one as a flavor enhancer. But there is one type of processed apple that is currently not many people know, namely the green boiled apples mixed with lemongrass.

Benefits of Green Apple and Lemongrass

Lemongrass or commonly known by the name lemongrass is a plant with members of the tribe of grasses. Usually lemongrass is used as a complementary ingredients for the aroma of the kitchen as well as its distinctive flavor. With a distinctive aroma of lemongrass can make the aroma of cuisine becomes more delicious. Scientifically lemongrass has the Latin name Cymbopogon citrates. In addition to being used as herbs, lemon grass is used for basic oil-making or soap. This is certainly because lemongrass has a very useful oil content, not only able to smooth the skin but also can be used as massage oil. With a mixture of sauces and apples, you will get a lot of benefits associated with the presence of nutrients in green apples and lemongrass.

Content of Green Apple Nutrition and Lemongrass :

  • Folate
  • Folic acid
  • Calories
  • Carbohydrate
  • Charcoal
  • Protein
  • Calcium
  • Phosphor
  • Iron
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C and K
  • Water
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

In addition to the above nutritional content is different if you see the benefits of kencur for the sound, it turns green apple and lemongrass has a very high antioxidant. For those of you who wonder how to make green apple lemongrass, here's a little explanation. First you only need to boil water and lemongrass then when the water begins to boil enter the green apple pieces, after boiling off the fire stove and let the green apples and lemongrass cool. In addition to the fresh taste, there are many benefits of green apples and lemon grass that you will get from consuming it.

Benefits of Green Apple and Lemongrass :

1. Treating Cough

You can treat a cough by trying to consume green apples and boiled lemonade in the morning and evening before bed.

2. Overcoming Asthma

Boil 2 to 3 green apples with lemongrass each morning and consume regularly then your asthma will rarely relapse.

3. Overcoming Diarrhea

In addition to making your stomach warm, the content of green apples and lemon grass will also relieve your diarrhea pain.

4. Preventing Cataracts

For cataract prevention is different if you see the benefits of sour turmeric during menstruation, you can boil a green apple and lemon grass and consume it every morning before breakfast.

5. Treating Diabetes

To treat diabetes you can consume boiled water of green apples and lemongrass each day as much as 3 times a day.

6. Whiten Teeth

Acid content in green apples and lemongrass can make your teeth whiter and cleaner.

7. Prevent Alzheimer

To prevent alzheimer disease is different if you see the benefits of kencur for the skin, you can consume green apples and lemon blossom every day on a regular basis.

8. Prevent Aging

Not only to prevent the process of premature aging but also you will get a firmer and brighter body skin.

9. Overcoming Inflammation

Green apples and lemongrass are very effective for treating inflammation such as sore throat and stomach.

10. Overcoming Dehydration

Green apples and lemongrass not only have a fresh taste, but the water content is enough to overcome the dehydration you experience.

11. Maintaining Dental Health and Gums

For those of you who often experience bleeding gums or want to have healthy teeth and avoid dental disease, you can consume boiled water of green apples and lemongrass every morning.

12. Maintain bone health

Green apples and lemongrass can also keep bone health strong and not easy to experience disease or bone disorders.

13. Fine digestion

The fiber content in green apples and lemongrass is very good for those of you who often experience constipation or constipation, so that your digestion will be more smoothly.

14. Prevent cancer

The content of antioxidants in green apples and lemongrass is very good to prevent cancer differently if you see the benefits of kencur for cough with phlegm, especially cervical cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer, and breast cancer.

15. Stabilize blood pressure

For those of you who often experience unstable blood pressure, you can cope with eating green apples and lemongrass regularly.

16. Strengthen the Heart

In order to keep your heart strong, you can eat green apples and lemongrass regularly every day before bed.

17. Helps heart performance

To help the heart's performance to be easier and avoid heart weakness, you can cope with eating green apples and lemongrass regularly.

Those are some of the benefits of green apples and lemongrass that you can get by eating them regularly. Hopefully the above information can be useful and increase your knowledge.

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