31 Benefits of the Red Dates for Health, Medicine, and Women

Variety benefits-Red dates are the name of the famous plant has a shady tree so often used as a shelter. Not only the tree plants that have the Latin name ziziphus jujuba also has fruit that many benefits. This seed plant has many nicknames including chinese red dates, angco, and chinese dates so do not be surprised if people call this fruit with a different name than you know.

31 Benefits of the Red Dates for Health, Medicine, and Women

Red dates contain a variety of essential nutrients for the body including the benefits of protein, fiber benefits, beta-carotene, the benefits of vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2, calcium, potassium benefits, phosphorus benefits, magnesium benefits, and iron benefits. With a variety of nutritional content as mentioned above there are many benefits of red dates or benefits of angco fruit for health ranging from maintaining a healthy body, overcoming the disease, and beneficial to the health and beauty of women.

Benefits of Red Date for Health Care

Consumption of red dates either directly, made tea, or mixed with other natural ingredients can help maintain a healthy body including:

1. An antifungal so that it can eradicate various fungi that can harm the body.

2. Anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties that can help overcome inflammation in various cells, tissues, or organs.

3. Help calm the mind so as to overcome or avoid excessive stress and anxiety.

4. Improve the digestive function so that the process of digestion and absorption of food juice run smoothly.

5. Good consumed by people who are recovering from illness.

6. Maintain the function of the heart which is one of the vital organs in the human body and its function can not be replaced by other organs.

7. Natural source of antioxidants.

8. Inhibits the development of free radicals that are known to be very harmful to health.

9. Prevent the development of abnormal body cells to become cancer cells.

10. Prevent premature aging of the appearance of wrinkles or other signs of aging is too fast than it should.

11. Good consumed by people who have a heart-pounding complaint.

12. Increasing the production of white blood cells that are known to play an important role in maintaining the body's resistance so that the body is protected from attacks of bacteria or disease-causing microorganisms.

13. Improves spleen function.

14. Improve the function of the stomach so that it can support the digestive system.

15. Good and safe consumed by diabetics with a note in the portion of fair and not excessive.

In addition to red dates some natural ingredients such as violet benefits, white ginger benefits, and the benefits of cashew klutuk also very well consumed to maintain health.

Benefits of Red Date for Treatment

In addition to maintaining health herbs or herbal remedies from red dates can also be used to overcome various diseases including:

1. Relieves sore throat.

2. Overcoming constipation or difficult bowel movements.

3. Prevent and overcome coronary heart disease.

4. Overcoming high cholesterol levels if left unchecked can cause various dangerous diseases.

5. Overcoming insomnia problems or difficulty sleeping.

6. Relieves infections that attack the gums.

7. Relieves toothache.

8. Relieves cough with phlegm.

9. Prevent and overcome anemia or lack of red blood cells.

10. Overcoming flatulence.

11. Overcoming stomach irritation due to side effects of drugs.

12. Treating back pain.

Not only red dates you can also cope with various diseases by using the benefits of various other natural ingredients such as the benefits of leaf binahong for the heart, the benefits of Moringa leaves for cancer, and many others.

Benefits of Red Dates for Women's Health and Beauty

Red dates are also very well consumed by women because it can provide many benefits for the health and beauty of women. Here are some of them:

1. Good consumed by women who have menopause.

2. Launch menstrual cycle where the consumption of red dates can menutrisi blood so menstrual cycle to be smooth.

3. Make the face look more youthful because of its antioxidant content.

4. Good for mothers who are breastfeeding because it can stimulate the formation of asi so that the production of ation becomes smooth.

Some natural ingredients such as the benefits of basil leaves for women and the benefits of ginseng for women are also very well consumed because of its amazing benefits for women's health.
read too :this is efficacy of lotus seed for health

With the above benefits, of course you no longer need to hesitate to consume this fruit. However, it should be considered not to consume too much because it can cause side effects such as flatulence and diarrhea. Only 5 max. More than that is not recommended except for the treatment of certain diseases. Let's take advantage of the natural ingredients around us to achieve a healthy mind and body.

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